The Parenting Project
Support Stories
Support Stories
Each individual and family has their own story to tell. Whilst each person’s story may be personal and unique, it is helpful to know we all share these similar experiences throughout our lives.
We are not alone in our experiences and how we work through them to strengthen ourselves and those around us.
Each individual and family has their own story to tell. Whilst each person’s story may be personal and unique, it is helpful to know we all share these similar experiences throughout our lives.
We are not alone in our experiences and how we work through them to strengthen ourselves and those around us.
Here are some quotes from parents we have supported about their experiences with us:
“An amazing and helpful experience... I have taken leaps and bounds forward in my life. I don’t know where I would be today without it.”
“The counselling helped me to see that I was stuck after my mum’s death. It has helped me to process it all and move on in a positive way.”
“My experience was amazing. It gave me confidence to change bad habits from childhood and understand myself more.”
“I was a mess when I started counselling. Now I feel like a new person, full of motivation for my new/better life.”
This is what children and young people have to say about working with us:
“I am more confident now and better with my friends.”
“I get less agitated over little things. It has helped me relax and not be angry.”
“Lego has helped us to get to know each other’s personalities and it helps.”
“I really liked making mine craft crystals in the group and learning about choices we make when we are upset and angry.”
Support Stories
Support Stories
The following stories represent the type of journeys many families take with us.
Sarah’s Story
Sarah’s Story
The Family: Mum Sarah / Dad Tom / Isla age 5 / Mia age 3 / Oliver age 14 months
Sarah had a difficult childhood, fraught with conflict and her father’s mental health difficulties. As she grew up and married Tom she became determined her children would have a happy childhood. ‘That was easier said than done’, she told her Parenting Project counsellor.
Following the birth of her daughter Isla, Sarah felt very low in her mood. She felt detached from reality at times. She went to see her GP who suggested it was post-natal depression and prescribed her anti-depressants.
Emily’s Story
Emily’s Story
AGE 10
The Family: Mum Hannah / Dad Paul / Emily age 10 / Lottie age 14
Emily began to find it hard being a ten-year-old as well as being the youngest member of the family. She also noticed some changes in the way she felt about herself and the people around her. She began to have mood swings at home and in school. Her teacher noticed that Emily was falling out with her friends and would throw things around the class when she was upset. Emily’s mum, Hannah, found this hard to deal with when Emily was upset. The more Emily struggled to cope with how she felt, the more upset she became. She started to tell Hannah that she wanted to hurt herself.